Adaptogens are a buzzy topic as of late and ashwagandha is one of the most buzzed about. As the name suggests, adaptogens claim to help the body adapt to stress. So you can understand why their popularity has been skyrocketing amongst the masses. These zenned-out darlings, however, aren't particularly new. Ashwagandha has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for hundreds of years for its many health benefits, from increasing energy levels to regulating the nervous system, improving sleep and rest, preventing or stopping stress-related hair loss, and even boosting libido. Some also recommend ashwagandha for gut health which can lead to all sorts of benefits including better digestion and more luminous skin.
Anything that can help us get a handle on stress definitely has our attention, but we can't help but approach these things with a healthy dose of skepticism. So we reached out to the experts for all the intel on what ashwagandha really can do and whether there are any side effects to be aware of.
Meet the Expert
- Ellie Heintze is a licensed acupuncturist and naturopathic doctor. She sees patients with a variety of ailments but specializes in digestive issues.
- Natazia zu Stolberg, L.Ac, DACM, is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist who specializes in gut health. She is the owner of the Wei Clinic and creator of REST+DIGEST, a Chinese herbal tea.
- Jaclyn Tolentino, DO, is a doctor of Osteotherapy, a Board-Certified Family Medicine physician with a specialty in Hormone Optimization, and a self-proclaimed wellness enthusiast at Parsley Health in New York.
What Is Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha—also known as Withania somnifera or Indian ginseng—is a root widely used in Ayurvedic medicine. "One of the hallmarks of ashwagandha is its adaptogen and nervine properties," says acupuncturist and naturopathic doctor, Ellie Heintze. "It can help with balancing stress levels, boosting mood, and helping with mental clarity and focus. There are also studies that show ashwagandha can help with inflammation and reduce pain."
Many studies on adaptogens are small and limited in scope, so there isn't a ton of clinical data to support the various potential benefits of adaptogens on the body. But Jaclyn Tolentino, a doctor of Osteotherapy, points out that adaptogens like ashwagandha have been used in forms of traditional medicine for hundreds of years. "I personally recommend adaptogens in my practice when appropriate—if it's something I think the patient would benefit from incorporating into their wellness routine, and it's not contraindicated in any way," she says.
Benefits of Ashwagandha
It May Reduce Inflammation and Pain
Studies show that ashwagandha may decrease inflammation in the body. This is important because inflammation in the body plays a significant role in overall health, especially when the inflammation is chronic.
It May Help Balance Stress in Your Body
Adaptogens can help increase the body's resistance to many different forms of stress, including physical, chemical, biological, and psychological stress. "Adaptogens are intended to bring the body into balance and help cultivate and maintain resilience," says Tolentino.
Ashwagandha in particular can help with balancing stress levels. According to acupuncturist and herbalist, Natazia zu Stolberg, one reason ashwagandha may help to reduce and balance stress is by reducing cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is the body's primary stress hormone and plays a huge role in the body's "fight or flight" response. When cortisol levels are elevated, you may experience symptoms like increased heart rate and blood pressure.
It May Have Cognitive Benefits
Having trouble focusing? Ashwagandha may help with memory, mental clarity, focus, and other related areas of cognition. "Ashwagandha...has been used traditionally to improve memory and cognitive function, and it may also improve mood," Tolentino says. "While we have limited clinical data on these benefits, ashwagandha may still be incorporated safely into your wellness routine if ashwagandha is determined to be clinically appropriate for you."
It May Help With PCOS Symptoms
"In my practice, I recommend ashwagandha to patients who have high DHEA-S related to PCOS," says Stolberg. DHEA-S, or dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate, is a hormone that regulates the production of testosterone and estrogen, and supports adrenal health. High DHEA-S levels in women produce hyperandrogenism symptoms such as fertility issues, decreased menstruation or amenorrhea, increased body and facial hair, and more masculine physical traits. Hyperandrogenism is also one of the primary symptoms of PCOS.
"Patients who are taking ashwagandha to manage stress and lower cortisol levels start to notice improvements in a few weeks however when it comes to re-testing cortisol and DHEA-S I typically ask them to be consistent for 3 months," continues Stolberg.
It May Reduce Your Blood Sugar
A review of 24 studies showed that ashwagandha decreases blood sugar levels when taken regularly. It concluded that ashwagandha could potentially be used as a treatment for diabetes. However, more studies and research is necessary before that is conclusive.
It May Improve Sleep
A 12-week study split elderly participants into two groups. One received a placebo pill and the other received ashwagandha. At the conclusion of this study, the participants in the ashwagandha group had significantly improved sleep and mental acuity.
Byrdie Tip
Those taking ashwagandha should pay attention to when they take it as it can cause drowsiness.
How to Use Ashwaghandha
Ashwaghandha can be taken in various forms, including as a gummy, capsule, powder, tea, or tincture (check out our roundup of some of the best ashwagandha supplements here). While there are many topical uses of the adaptogen, this list of benefits and side effects focuses on oral consumption.
You can take ashwagandha any time you'd like, morning or night. Using the supplement before bed might help you sleep better while taking it in the morning could help curb your anxiety.
Potential Side Effects of Ashwagandha
It May Trigger Digestive Issues
Nausea, stomach irritation, diarrhea, and other digestive issues are possible when taking ashwagandha. One positive here is that if you stick to the recommended dose, this may not be as much of a problem. "Ashwagandha is a safe herb when used as directed," Heintze says. "When taking doses exceeding recommendations or larger doses, it may cause digestive upset or nausea."
It May Cause Headaches
Headaches and drowsiness are both potential side effects of ashwagandha. But these headaches—along with the digestive side effects—aren't always long-lasting. "Some of these side effects can be short-lived," Tolentino explains.
It May Lead to Drowsiness
A common reason for taking ashwagandha is to aid sleep at night, however, when taken during the day, it can cause unwanted drowsiness. Reconsider taking if you handle heavy machinery or commute long distances.
It May Interfere With Medications
"Ashwagandha may be contraindicated if you take certain medications or are currently being treated for certain medical conditions, including autoimmune disorders or certain thyroid conditions," Tolentino explains. For that reason, it's a great idea to check with your doctor before taking ashwagandha. This is an important step that can help you make sure that ashwagandha won't interfere with any medications you are taking, or present problems or heightened risks in relation to any other conditions you have.
"Herbal medicines and supplements can be powerful," Tolentino says. "While ashwagandha is safe and well tolerated for most individuals, I do recommend discussing the usage of these treatments with your healthcare provider prior to incorporating them into your routine."
It's Not Recommended for Pregnancy
Though some turn to ashwagandha to aid in fertility, the experts we spoke with agree that taking ashwagandha during pregnancy is not recommended. Aside from their opinions, the general consensus is to avoid taking it while pregnant as it could potentially cause a miscarriage. If you have any questions about this, it's important to consult with a medical professional.
The Final Takeaway
Ashwagandha may have some benefits for your health, from stress reduction to improved cognition. But as with many types of herbal supplements and pharmaceutical medications, it carries potential side effects as well, ranging from headaches to digestive issues. In rare cases, ashwagandha has been shown to cause liver disease, heart palpitations, and allergic reactions. It's important to check in with your doctor to make sure this supplement is the right choice for you.